Photos From The Joint Session Of National Assembly Where Resolutions Against President Buhari Was Taken

The National Assembly yesterday held a joint session where resolutions against President Buhari were taken. 
The lawmakers at the session warned that they would not hesistate to invoke their constitutional powers if Presidnet Buhari fails to call security chiefs to order and stop the killings in many parts of the country. 
See more photos below

Photos from the Joint Session of the National Assembly where resolutions against President Buhari were taken
Photos from the Joint Session of the National Assembly where resolutions against President Buhari were taken
Photos from the Joint Session of the National Assembly where resolutions against President Buhari were taken

Photos from the Joint Session of the National Assembly where resolutions against President Buhari were taken
Photos from the Joint Session of the National Assembly where resolutions against President Buhari were taken

Photos from the Joint Session of the National Assembly where resolutions against President Buhari were taken

