Article Of The Week By OJOAROME - "End Amo Oma We Dei"


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                                          END AMO OMA WE DEI
                                            (WE ARE YOUR LOYAL SUBJECTS)

                                    AN OPEN LETTER TO YOUNG ENTERPRENEURS

”Ojoarome please I’m heading to Kogi tomorrow. Can you see me off to the park?”
“I am busy, but anything from you James. If I may ask, why are you using the park, not the plane?”
“I just feel like seeing the land scape down to kogi and see some point of turn over.”
“Whatdo u mean?”
“Not too worry, when I’m back I’ll gist you”

We are here at the park. Now it’s 6am. At the ever busy Nigerian park, where conductors drag and argue over passengers. A driver ran towards us, took my bag. “Kogi right?” He asked. I said yes. He took my bags straight to his car, but the marks that ran from his face down his mandibles made me inquisitive. My curiosity unleashed so I asked him “are you an igala?” He said yes. Then I relaxed because my journey to discovering just started.

Then I asked “What is killing our system in kogi?”,  He said,” I may not speak of all the fragments but the youths I know are the greatest of persons with potentials, full of energy but channeled in a wrong direction. Energy they say travels in the direction of focus. This time, I got more interested; the breath from his mouth that could kill a colony of arthropods no longer mattered because he made sense.”

“The over desperate nature and ease with doing things, not starting with something to become everything they dreamt of has made them lost disciples in the pool of lukewarmness in the name of humility. Just for crumbs from the kings table and all(youths) have been be clouded with the witchcraft sounding good to the user and the pride booster to the hearer. Amooma we de!!!
 Lost in the conversation, I asked“what then do you think we should do?”

“If you will allow me, I will say, the first stage is to shift focus from the present crumbs seeking to start something big, which can be achieved by acquiring knowledge as it regards financial freedom. Financial freedom as a goal for the youths of kogi, is a call to entrepreneurship, that is a call to risk taking but if you don’t have this level of education, we will continue to sing “amo ma we de” – which include financial education, professional education and academic education.”

“Don’t even go there because the youths here are far from quality education. But we can achieve that financial freedom if only young entrepreneurs understand that a vision birthed with the desire for the growth of the state in mind will be laudable achievement giving employment to over ¼ of the fraction of youths in kogi state, creates a system that depopulate a larger fraction off the political system because we are not all called to govern or lead, but just doing this will have given them a reason to believe in themselves and in turn transfer the same thing to the next generation.

 To change this pattern, we need a dreamer that will not necessarily be a politician but an entrepreneur to say enough of amooma we de to ewon ka amooma we we a che de.

“Can we go now sir?”
“ Okay…….”
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