Relationship : I Want A Virgin For A Wife Because … Twitter User

Some women have taken to social media to poke fun at men who play double standard in relationships and marriages.

Their views with the hastag, #tweetwithmalelogic and currently trending on Twitter featured tweets from profiles of women across nationalities, including Nigeria; sharing common male perspectives concerning issues involving women. 

The topics ranged from male beliefs on reasons why women are raped, roles of women in marriages, ways men handle successful women to male beliefs and actual actions on feminism.

See their tweets below:

@StephyBx_ tweeted, “I want a virgin for a wife because women sleep with multiple men have no self worth. I have slept with 200 girls but I am still a respectable man. #tweetwithmalelogic.” 

@Noraylala said, “Men: Ignore these daughters of Chimamanda. I am going to open the door for women because I believe in Chivalry! My wife and I just got home from work, she needs to go to the market and come back to make dinner. I have to sit and relax because I am tired #tweetwithmalelogic.” 

@Betswe wrote, “Stop deviating from our African culture with this notion of feminism. It is wrong. #tweetwithmalelogic.” 

@Anuseide said, “I am the head of the family. But every night I am at clubs and Abuja parks. I guess I am the head of the club and my family. #tweetwithmalelogic.” 

@DoreenCLM tweeted, “If you don’t want to be raped, stop visiting men in their houses. But you are a gold digger for waiting to meet me at restaurants all the time, instead of letting me make you an inexpensive dinner at my place #tweetwithmalelogic.” 

@ces_archie said, “#tweetwithmalelogic I love a woman who has it all together. But don’t show me that you have got it all together because then I will feel like you are trying to compete with me which will make me uncomfortable.” 

@Chaemihydra tweeted, “Girls who get into stranger’s cars and get raped have themselves to blame but this girl I offered a ride in the rain did not get into my car. She is snobbish; she doesn’t even know my character. #tweetwithmalelogic” 

@Bonokie_ said, “#Tweetwithmalelogic. Don’t cheat on m because I am a man and I need respect. But if I cheat, it’s in my male instinct, I can’t control it.” 

@Judicaelle tweeted, “I understand he beats her everyday and almost killed her. But we have to listen to his side of the story. There is a reason, what is she doing wrong to trigger him? Is she quiet when he speaks? #tweetwithmalelogic.” The women further urged men to show full support to the female gender instead of staying lukewarm and handpicking rules that suit their masculinity. (NAN)

