Mopamuro 2019: My Candidature Guarantees APC Victory Over Other Parties – Abel Declares as her presents intent letter

A young and competent aspirant under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) for Mopamuro State Constituency, Kogi State House of Assembly; Julius Olushola ABEL presented his intent letter to the Local Government party leaders on Wednesday, 22nd August, 2018.

The letter reads thus;

'Letter of intent to contest for Mopamuro State Constituency Seat in 2019 election.

'I humbly write to inform you and other party members of my intention to serve as the next member representing Mopamuro State Constituency in Kogi State House of Assembly after 2019 general elections by the grace of God.

'This follows the just released time table of 2019 General Elections by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) which states that States House of Assembly elections will be on Saturday, 2nd March 2019.

'It is without doubt that Mopamuro ought to have been developed than what is obtainable at the moment, but due to many factors and political insincerity of some of our past and present public office holders, we are where we are today; still lagging behind.

'The efforts of the incumbent, Hon. Obaro Abayomi Sunday Pedro, member representing Mopamuro State Constituency in Kogi State House of Assembly cannot be overemphasized, yet Mopamuro is in dire need of another dimension of efficient and qualitative representation.

'As a selfless and energetic young man who has the love of this constituency at heart, I hereby state that it is time to do all it takes morally, constitutionally and politically to take Mopamuro to the next level.

'Presently, I am the Special Assistant on New Media to the Speaker; Kogi State House of Assembly; with the responsibility to report instantly, proceedings from the plenary this has given me the opportunity to learn how legislative business is run and it will no doubt guide me towards an excellent representation of Mopamuro populace.

'I make bold to point out that since the creation of Nigeria and Kogi State in particular, there has been no meaningful State and Federal presence in Mopamuro and this l intend to correct. When given this mandate, we shall utilize all available legislative tools to attract both State and Federal attention to Mopamuro State Constituency for overall infrastructure and Socio-Economic development, which should be the core business of elected public officials.

'Mopamuro people are known to be civil, highly exposed, informed and educated. Therefore our constituency should set the pace for others to follow.

'It's time for the execution of laudable innovations in Mopamuro.

'Our winning campaign strategies will capture all wards in Mopamuro and the colourful agenda cum plans on actualising them shall be unveiled soon'.

The letter, which was addressed to Mopamuro APC, was presented in a meeting of the Local Government Party executives and all Wards Chairmen.

Abel while presenting the intent letter said it is by his candidacy the party can floor the candidates of other political parties in the Constituency. He also appreciates the leadership of the party in the State, His Excellency, Alh. Yahaya Bello and Hon. Abdullahi Bello for allowing an atmosphere of true democracy in the party.

The attendants of the meeting when asked for contributions and questions, lauds Abel for his courage and confidence saying he has touched every area questions needs to be asked in his speech.


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