Presidential aspirant, Ikubese to boycott Saturday’s ANN Convention, threatens withdrawal

One of the visionary Presidential aspirants under the Alliance for New Nigeria, ANN, Dr. Thomas-Wilson Ikubese has said that he would not be attending the party’s National Convention billed for Tomorrow, Saturday the 11th of August, 2018 over alleged infiltration by  “political oligarchs” who, according to him, have come to destroy the party. 

From L-R: Dr Thomas-Wilson Ikubese, Dr Mrs Elishama Ideh, Fela Durotoye Dr. Ikubese 

who is equally the Convener of YesWeFit Revolutionary Movement also threatened to pull out of the party over alleged plots by the infiltrators to truncate the vision and mission of the party which is “to truly be different and salvage Nigerians from years of poor governance.”

 Recall that Dr. Ikubese was originally the presidential aspirant of the National Conscience Party ,NCP, but later pulled out after alleging hijacking of the party by political jobbers. 

In a statement on Friday, however, the visionary presidential aspirant said although he remains a member of ANN, that he would not be attending the convention until the issues he has raised are addressed. Meanwhile, two other aspirants, Dr. Mrs Elishama Ideh who had addressed a Press Conference earlier today and Fela Durotoye have equally raised similar concerns and have equally said they will not be attending the convention until the issues are addressed. 

The statement further reads thus: “When on 24th July 2017 I declared to run for the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, my aspiration was and still is to align with progressives to birthing a functional nation, using a credible political platform.

 My followers and myself joined the National Conscience Party (NCP) in September 2017, but exited in a Press Conference on 15th May 2018, when we came to the sad realisation that the national leadership of the Party has compromised the ideology of the founder, Chief Gani Fawehinmi and the Party has derailed from its ideals and has been hijacked by political traders who now masquerade as “comrades”. 

On 29th May 2018, my followers and I joined the Alliance for New Nigeria, alongside the Nigerian Intervention Movement (NIM), which adopted the Party as its political platform for the execution of the 2019 Presidential election. 

The ANN attracted credible, visionary, altruistic new generation presidential aspirants like Fela Durotoye, Dr Mrs Elishama Ideh and myself because of its appeal and what it stands for – “the difference.”

 However, unfolding events in the past couple of weeks have given me and many other stakeholders cause to worry as the ideals of the Party is now being threatened by sponsored unholy infiltration from the corrupt political oligarchy with intent to hijack the Party as to truncating its vision and mission to truly be different and salvage Nigerians from years of poor governance. 

These very disturbing issues have been raised before the national  leadership of the Party and I hope it will be addressed soonest in the interest of millions of Nigerians who are looking up to the ANN to provide the much awaited salvation for our nation. 

As at today 10th August 2018, I remain a member of the ANN, but will not be attending the National Convention tomorrow Saturday  11th August, so much so until these matters are addressed by the leadership of the Party as I would not want my name appended to a compromised process that might throw up a system worse than the ones we are criticising today! 

A New Nigeria is possible 

Together we can 

#YesWeFit “

