Sidechick beats housewives accusing her of sleeping with their husbands

It was quite a bizarre version of event when some housewives got the beating of their lives after accusing a sidechick of sleeping with their husbands.
The housewives were roundly beaten by one Ramotu, a neighbor they all accused of sleeping with their individual husbands.

The incident is said to have happened at Abaranje, Ikotun, Lagos. According to a report, trouble started after one of them allegedly caught Ramotu with her husband, today, around 3a.m
Other housewives later joined in, accusing her of trying to break their marriages.

However, in a twist of event, Ramotu gave all of them the beating of their lives and even went as far as breaking the head of one of them.
But when she heard that the matter had been reported to the police, she quickly injured herself with a broken bottle, to make a case for herself too.
