Why we can’t probe Governor Ganduje over bribe videos yet - EFCC explains

Why we?can?t probe Governor Ganduje over bribe videos yet - EFCC explains

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has said it cannot probe Kano State Governor, Abdullahi Ganduje, who is accused of receiving millions of dollars in bribe because as a sitting governor, he enjoys constitutional immunity from criminal proceedings.  

“The governor is still serving and constitutionally is covered by immunity. Being that as it may, the matter is in the instance sub judice,” the EFCC wrote during a tweet meet organised by Tap Nitiative for Citizens Development, a public accountability think-tank.
Why we?can?t probe Governor Ganduje over bribe videos yet - EFCC explains
Ganduje has been the subject of several videos, which appeared to show him engaging in contract racketeering. At least six of such videos have been published since the first clip was released on October 11.  

The governor could be seen receiving wads of US dollars from persons believed to be public works contractors. Ganduje has dismissed the videos as “cloned” and filed a lawsuit against the publisher of the Daily Nigerian online newspaper, Jaafar Jaafar.
