INSPIRED - Meet Nigerian blind teacher who has authored 15 publications including Mathematics textbook and novel

Meet Nigerian blind teacher who has authored 15 publications including Mathematics textbook and novel

An OAP, Blessing Belonwu shared story of Mr Ofochebe Tochukwu, a blind teacher at a secondary school in Anambra State and author of 150 publications,  including a novel and mathematics text book.

Meet Nigerian blind teacher who has authored 15 publications including Mathematics textbook and novel

According to Ms Belonwu, she met the teacher at the Google Digital marketing sponsored by the Anambra State Ministry of Education.

Here was the post made by her: 
"Meet Ofochebe Tochukwu(Mr.) , a blind teacher from Adazi-Ani in Anaocha L.G.A. of Anambra state who teaches at Urban Girls Secondary school, Ekwulobia, Aguata l.g.a. Anambra state.
He is a renowned author of about 15 publications including a mathematics textbook and a novel titled 'Voice of Reasoning'.
He has been blind for over 20 years, though according to him, he had residual sight before he started teaching. As a matter of fact, he teaches Mathematics, Physics and sometimes Chemistry.
When asked how he relates with his students, he answered that he has grown to adopt the situation and his students can relate with him well in the class room.
I met him at the Google Digital marketing skills for Africa sponsored by the Anambra state ministry of education and I was inspired.
He doesn't have his sight, yet, he has been able to do all these. What of you and me? We have complete hands, complete legs and sound sight, therefore , We can do better!

Meet Nigerian blind teacher who has authored 15 publications including Mathematics textbook and novel

NOTE- You have no reason to give up no matter what is happening around you, its just for a period. THIS is a blind man who has done a whole lot of good for himself talk more of we with our sights intact?

JUNE 12 there was a post FROM a beautiful Nigerian Amputee who shares her story, READ MORE about the beautiful Nigeria amputee

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